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26th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Mass Worship Aid

Below are the Mass Readings and Prayers for the 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time Mass, livestreamed on our Facebook page, September 25, 2022, at 10:30 a.m. Please click here for a pdf version

Lector: Our first reading is from the Book of Amos. 


Woe to you who live in luxury in Zion, who lie on beds of ivory, and recline on their couches. They dine on lambs from the flock, and young calves from the midst of the stalls. They strum on the strings of the harp, and fancy themselves instruments of music, like David. They drink wine straight from bowls, and anoint themselves with the finest oils, but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph. That is why they will be the first to be captive and exiled - their reclining at festive banquets will end


Lector: Hear what the Spirit is saying to God’s people.
People Respond: Thanks be to God.




Responsorial Psalm


Lector: Our response is - Praise Yahweh, O my soul!
People Repeat: Praise Yahweh, O my soul!


Yahweh, blessed are you who keeps faith forever:

You secure justice for the oppressed.

You give food to the hungry.

Yahweh set captives free.

People Repeat: Praise Yahweh, O my soul!


Yahweh gives sight to the blind.

You raise up those who were bowed down.

You love those who do justice.

Yahweh protects strangers.

People Repeat: Praise Yahweh, O my soul!


Orphans and the bereaved Yahweh sustains,

But you thwart the way of the corrupt.

Yahweh shall reign forever.

Your God, O Zion, through all generations. Alleluia!

People Repeat: Praise Yahweh, O my soul!





Lector: Our second reading is from the First Letter of Paul to Timothy. 


But you are to flee from all vice. As one dedicated to God, strive to be a person of righteousness, integrity, and piety; filled with faith and love, patience, and gentleness. Fight the good fight and run the great race for faith. Grasp firm the eternal life into which you were called, having confessed your good confession of faith in the presence of many witnesses.


Before God, who gives life to all, and before Christ Jesus, who spoke up as a witness for the truth before Pontius Pilate, I charge you to keep God’s command without fault and above reproach, until, at the chosen time, our Savior, Jesus Christ, appears. God alone is the Sovereign over all, the blessed and only ruler above all earthly rulers, who alone possesses immortality, and who alone dwells in unapproachable light, and whom no human being has ever seen, nor is able to see. To God be the honor and everlasting strength! Amen.


Lector: Hear what the Spirit is saying to God’s people.
People Respond: Thanks be to God.




Gospel Acclamation


Celebrant chants: Alleluia
People Respond (with chant): Alleluia.

Celebrant: Our Savior, Jesus Christ, who, though rich, became poor for your sake, so that, by his poverty, you might become rich.
People Respond (with chant): Alleluia.






Celebrant: Our God is with you.
People Respond: And also, with you.
Celebrant: A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke.

People Respond:
Praise to you, Jesus the Christ.


Jesus told his followers: “Once, there was a rich person who dressed in fine clothes, feasted splendidly, and threw expensive parties every day. At the gate of this person’s estate, lay a poor person, named Lazarus, who begged at the gate to the mansion. Lazarus was so hungry he longed to eat the scraps from the rich person’s table. Lazarus had so many sores on his body that the dogs would come and lick them.


One day, both died. Lazarus died was carried by the angels to heaven, and into the arms of Abraham. The rich person also died and was buried. From the netherworld, in torment, he raised his eyes and saw Abraham far off in the distance, with Lazarus at his side. ‘Abraham, O Abraham,’ the rich person called out, ‘have mercy on me. Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, as I am tortured by these flames.’


But Abraham said, ‘My child, remember that you were well off in your lifetime, while Lazarus suffered in misery. Lazarus now enjoys heaven, while you suffer in torment. Besides, there is a huge distance established between us and you to prevent anyone from crossing from our side to yours or from your side to ours. And no one can go from where you are to here.’


The rich person said, ‘Then I beg you to send Lazarus to my house, where I have five siblings, to warn them, so that they may not end in this place of torment.’ But Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the prophets. Let your siblings hear them.’


‘Please, I beg you, Abraham,’ the rich person said, ‘if someone would only go to them from the dead, then they would repent.’ Then Abraham said, ‘If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, how will they be persuaded or convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’”


Celebrant: My friends, the Gospel of the Lord.
People Respond: Praise to you, Jesus the Christ.




Prayers of the People


Celebrant: Let us now pray that God will answer our prayers for all in our world, regardless of wealth or possessions.:

Lector: Our response is, “Loving God, hear our prayer.”


That the universal church will heed the call to work for justice and show mercy to the poor and vulnerable; for this, we pray:

People Respond: Loving God, hear our prayer.


That nations support peace negotiations wherever conflict prevails; for this, we pray:

People Respond: Loving God, hear our prayer.


That those who suffer from poverty, oppression, or abandonment in our midst may feel the love of Jesus, who brings life to all things; for this, we pray:

People Respond: Loving God, hear our prayer.


That our actions for justice may be life- and love-giving so that our country, state, and community may be places where all God’s children feel loved, treasured, and safe, we pray:

People Respond: Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pause to remember names of those who suffer with illness and those who have asked for our prayers [Lector, please count to 6]. We ask that God’s healing love touch them and restore them to fullness of life; for this, we pray:

People Respond: Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pause to remember names of our deceased loved ones and friends who have died [Lector, please count to 6]. We ask that God meet all who have died face to face on their journey, and that they may be forever held in His loving arms; for this, we pray:​

People Respond: Loving God, hear our prayer.


For prayers left unspoken, and held deep, within the silence of our hearts; for this, we pray:

People Respond: Loving God, hear our prayer.


Celebrant: God of All Goodness and Compassion, hear our prayers for those in need. Grant us the wisdom to follow your example of mercy so that we may dwell with you forever. We ask this through Jesus the Christ. Amen.


All: Amen.

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